User made mazes table 2008

Below you can find all mazes made by visitors in a table.

Everyone can rate mazes by giving stars. You can do that two times: once during the maze and once after finishing the maze. The vote at the end of the maze counts for 4. So you have 5 votes in total. (You can't rate a maze you've made yourself).
You can choose one star (poor) up to 5 stars (excellent). You can find the average rating in this table.
You can also see the number of unique visitors who started the maze (column 'Starts') and the number of them who finished it (column 'Finished').
In the last column the successful finishes are represented by a percentage of the number of starts. This gives an indication of the difficulty of the maze. The lower the percentage, the more difficult the maze.

Look here for the table of official mazes.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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the manraz 2008-05-27 20:59:57 M 1 430
A-Mazed By VetoMatt 2008-06-02 06:20:00 M 4444 240
The labyrinthNick 2008-06-08 18:04:33 M 22 280
MeFuckin AssFuac2008-06-19 22:58:45 M 1 4212.4
MazelandTerenceENJOY2008-06-26 08:25:39 M 333 430
musicmaker finale note padMathiaseasy2008-07-02 18:22:29 M 4444 350
asdfdsafadsfasdfdsaf 2008-07-07 23:06:42 M 22 380
no easyjuno 2008-07-10 12:58:15 M 333 3837.9
Following JesusDani Rae WascherIt is very hard!2008-07-16 20:25:09 M 333 310
TokioHotelShannanazzyMaze of the week (week 29)
"It is suppose to look like the sign of TH, but it doesn't really.. ^^"
2008-07-18 10:39:04 M 333 158127.6
porchelinniporchiaits very dificult!2008-07-26 22:14:32 M 22 370
mijn doolhofLiesje 2008-08-11 12:14:17 M 1 300
maze3catylock befor you do2008-08-28 01:34:47 M 333 410
Try OutAshley 2008-09-08 16:15:35 M 55555 290
testllimke 2008-09-25 16:54:57 M 4444 360
vindjewegchristophe 2008-10-01 09:45:05 M 4444 390
ghuhivbjtim 2008-10-01 09:53:38 M 22 430
James Bont 007Bjorn 2008-10-01 09:53:04 M 1 6945.8
666bernard 2008-10-01 09:52:18 M 4444 3912.6
renbaminesuper cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2008-10-01 09:46:01 M 333 410
1111111111111111111111111111111111111...marwan 2008-10-01 09:55:21 M 22 260
letopvoormurenchristophe 2008-10-01 09:57:45 M 22 2813.6
crazy doolhofkevin 2008-10-01 10:04:27 M 333 330
Deadly SkillsArno 2008-10-01 10:06:35 M 333 360
renbeaminecool2008-10-01 10:05:59 M 22 370
1111111111111111111111111111111111111...marwan 2008-10-01 10:07:27 M 333 3213.1
sexyjames 2008-10-01 21:45:02 M 1 470
gangsterstownavotarpleas play or game2008-10-01 10:42:32 M 333 340
doolhofmanaladri 2008-10-01 10:48:00 M 333 3213.1
spr str007robin gaip 2008-10-01 10:53:37 M 4444 230
anubisfachar 2008-10-01 10:46:25 M 333 550
michielvalentine 2008-10-01 10:47:25 M 4444 330
dikke zakkristof gauderismakkelijk.... q p W2008-10-01 10:49:15 M 333 540
marius2123 2008-10-01 10:44:46 M 22 4012.5
paulien en sofiepaulien en sofie 2008-10-01 11:56:06 M 55555 220
wordtzotnantelelivreun petite leukeu2008-10-01 11:48:40 M 55555 350
kronkeldoolhof1paulien en fionaMaze of the week (week 40)
"have fun!"
2008-10-01 11:58:16 M 333 12510.8
avaazetghkoliver 2008-10-01 12:00:09 M 4444 420
nes en elneserine elke 2008-10-01 11:58:58 M 333 250
elmaistromayannick lars 2008-10-01 12:01:54 M 55555 290
mocro styletarik mouhout 2008-10-01 11:50:46 M 55555 3412.9
el bandito coucousilias,zakaria 2008-10-01 12:00:22 M 1 2015
unohhhhhhhhhhhhiuyyug2008-10-01 11:56:09 M 1 3837.9
Crazy maze dolhofguy 2008-10-06 17:37:00 M 4444 370
recyclebrandon 2008-10-08 01:34:00 M 1 420
Medium MazePlayer 2008-10-22 04:50:34 M 4444 3412.9
HajjKim Poss 2008-10-29 03:07:11 M 333 350
Pizza TroubleEbHelp Senor Mario find his pizza quick!!! Or else he's fired!2008-11-21 00:51:21 M 4444 320
WegkwijtBeauuMaze of the week (week 47)
2008-11-22 01:00:06 M 1 12521.6
dwaal hoferik 2008-11-22 18:15:33 M 22 220
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