User made mazes table 2007

Below you can find all mazes made by visitors in a table.

Everyone can rate mazes by giving stars. You can do that two times: once during the maze and once after finishing the maze. The vote at the end of the maze counts for 4. So you have 5 votes in total. (You can't rate a maze you've made yourself).
You can choose one star (poor) up to 5 stars (excellent). You can find the average rating in this table.
You can also see the number of unique visitors who started the maze (column 'Starts') and the number of them who finished it (column 'Finished').
In the last column the successful finishes are represented by a percentage of the number of starts. This gives an indication of the difficulty of the maze. The lower the percentage, the more difficult the maze.

Look here for the table of official mazes.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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LULULAUREN 2007-07-07 20:43:05 XS 22 4424.5
Cute MazeLauraMaze of the week (week 51)2007-12-20 23:42:29 S 4444 327154.6
extra makkelijklalexieMaze of the week (week 6)2007-02-06 19:43:17 XS 4444 210125.7
very hardlalexieThis is a hard maze2007-02-27 11:03:24 XL 22 128010.1
kylerkyler 2007-10-06 18:41:28 M 22 4412.3
Darknesskrush443hope you enjoy2007-10-10 00:04:57 L 22 510
jfakfakjgslkgj 2007-04-02 18:04:54 M 1 470
impossible mazeKatylintry going up2007-10-27 04:07:57 M 22 2093100.5
Trial and errorKarolien 2007-10-22 09:08:16 XL 1 380
Juulljuliet 2007-05-29 18:24:53 M 1 440
supercatjorian 2007-09-28 15:08:15 XL 333 390
Dwaaldingjoren 2007-05-20 13:34:12 XL 22 410
leukste doolhofjolienMaze of the week (week 28)2007-07-10 18:27:36 L 4444 13810.7
LaberinthJohna spear2007-08-04 06:16:41 M 1 380
awsome mazejohncool2007-08-25 22:49:33 M 22 900
johanjohan 2007-02-07 17:17:35 M 4444 4112.4
Encuentro con JesusJocelyn 2007-09-15 04:24:55 M 22 2214.5
Virtual NarrativeJo 2007-08-14 08:36:12 M 22 400
rockyjj 2007-11-06 02:50:51 M 4444 390
locajigelzhey2007-10-19 04:08:47 L 1 370
Labyrinthjftsang 2007-04-09 18:15:05 L 22 500
Dream/Sleep MazeJessie 2007-03-20 19:46:06 M 1 300
Impossible2Jennyso..this isnt really impossible.....but i like 2 intimidate you. Good Luck!!2007-07-02 20:37:31 L 22 4224.8
Mythology In The OdysseyJenna 2007-05-01 03:53:50 M 1 270
Die da DoolhofJeffreyIts verry diffulcult 2007-10-13 18:28:31 XL 55555 320
Dietje DoolhofJeffreyIts a litlle bit diffulcult2007-10-13 18:39:33 L 4444 3313
Dietje doolhoh IIJeffreyA little bit the same like dietje doolhof 12007-10-13 19:05:12 L 333 320
Dietje doolhof IIIJeffreyThe same as Dietje doolhof 1 en II2007-10-13 19:22:02 L 333 370
jamlw21james 2007-04-18 01:09:57 XL 1 420
texeljaimy 2007-03-30 19:03:25 M 1 5024
Mystifying MindJadan Notarangelo 2007-05-11 14:53:11 M 1 270
jackyjack 2007-01-11 19:52:23 M 55555 460
brainwashJAck 2007-10-13 02:43:45 L 55555 3425.9
Christmas MazeJack 2007-12-03 05:42:50 L 333 220
Capitalization CrazeJ. TischerCorrect capitalization earns entry into a corridor.2007-01-25 15:48:50 M 55555 460
masterhoffilja 2007-08-16 18:24:09 XL 333 400
mijneikke 2007-01-29 09:57:07 XL 1 470
easy007ikke 2007-06-17 12:37:13 XS 1 3638.3
hahhaik 2007-07-16 15:53:43 XL 1 3525.7
de verzoenings tuinijsmathi this is the propitiation garden but firstly must you someone find to kiss2007-03-26 18:31:48 M 333 330
coolerhotter 2007-01-29 09:59:20 XS 333 5511.8
hohoiboe2007-07-03 22:17:26 M 22 430
The magical triphjhfsgsu 2007-01-31 00:06:00 M 333 260
gmghgmhfjhtfyj jngvjngvnmgvbmgbvn vgbhmnghfmhvmvhm vn vmbhjmfmgfvjmghjnmghjmghjkmghkmghjmghtfgjgfbjtrbgifdbigurhuighrighikhrg9 otyrgrtighikdfuguyfrctghftdg9rhg8fuyvbhuytfyguytrhguithvurhguhughyuyghuytrg7 yrgiue8urgyu8gyh8hg8ithyfguih98ghuhgbikrt2007-11-03 22:54:39 XL 333 540
Easy or notHayden 2007-02-01 04:00:25 XL 4444 3612.8
Easy or not2Hayden 2007-02-01 04:05:37 XS 22 4648.7
Alice in WonderlandGuidoMaze of the week (week 48)2007-12-01 13:59:01 M 22 15810.6
opoogfdhss 2007-02-10 04:28:23 XL 1 520
MAzeMAzeGeorgia 2007-06-25 13:04:54 XS 333 5036
gfhdfhfred 2007-09-12 18:42:54 M 4444 4449.1
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