User made mazes table 2006

Below you can find all mazes made by visitors in a table.

Everyone can rate mazes by giving stars. You can do that two times: once during the maze and once after finishing the maze. The vote at the end of the maze counts for 4. So you have 5 votes in total. (You can't rate a maze you've made yourself).
You can choose one star (poor) up to 5 stars (excellent). You can find the average rating in this table.
You can also see the number of unique visitors who started the maze (column 'Starts') and the number of them who finished it (column 'Finished').
In the last column the successful finishes are represented by a percentage of the number of starts. This gives an indication of the difficulty of the maze. The lower the percentage, the more difficult the maze.

Look here for the table of official mazes.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Pages: 1 2 3 4
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tricky dickytyler taylorthis is really hard 2006-12-20 18:27:56 XL 4444 310
Laura en groepjeHanneke, Laura, Annelot en ChimoSo, here he is!2006-03-27 18:33:22 M 22 3213.1
daan doolhofdaan 2006-11-07 14:48:14 L 22 320
circle stridecameronthis ones easy2006-12-31 19:20:05 S 4444 320
Emergency Exitalonzo randolph "They're on to us, here, let's take the Emergency Exit. It leads to the Ammerial Air Force Base. You, Lead us to the exit, I kinda forgot."2006-04-07 15:06:42 XL 333 3313
WimpyHawkManmatthahahahahaha you cant do it2006-05-10 04:14:16 M 1 330
labyrinth twoknightescapego by these labyrinth and win!2006-05-16 17:17:08 M 333 330
crazy0888krystaalmost there2006-08-13 02:03:54 L 1 330
lopeneterteun 2006-09-14 09:03:18 L 1 330
mikemikeheyhey2006-11-22 18:54:35 M 4444 330
mghcmgmjngtcmy 2006-11-22 19:02:35 XS 4444 3313
makkieaas 2006-11-24 12:48:48 M 22 3326.1
Maze of TheoryMatthewImagin what the path to the finishlooks like.Look at all the paths around you and see where they lead.2006-12-02 02:12:27 L 55555 330
stupid mazeAmythis is really hard 2006-12-08 03:31:29 L 1 3313
doolhofjuhjudith 2006-12-19 17:05:57 L 55555 330
leuk doolhofladony 2006-04-06 17:41:28 XL 4444 34720.6
Happy Mothers DaySara 2006-05-08 22:31:58 M 4444 340
dollyAnne 2006-10-11 16:43:02 M 22 340
HEEL COOLferry 2006-12-03 19:41:40 XS 4444 3425.9
fsgfzx 2006-05-04 10:32:41 M 1 3512.9
jessytjejessicaits easy 2006-08-11 12:29:23 XS 4444 3512.9
veertjevera 2006-10-03 18:17:37 M 333 350
pionn.lohmangood luck2006-11-18 19:17:12 L 333 350
chinese samari chalengejoshua 2006-11-05 10:59:33 M 4444 360
amazingcarlito 2006-11-22 19:00:55 XL 4444 360
KellyKelly 2006-11-30 16:11:45 M 1 360
Winter HuntMitchellGuide Brian to his hunting spot where many moose, rabbits, deer, and foolbirds are!!!2006-12-03 20:38:23 L 22 3612.8
loverbgirlsletitciagod verie wel hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!2006-05-26 15:14:12 XL 1 370
HYRULELinkSMILEY!2006-09-07 02:38:52 M 4444 370
jeeeeeeeeas 2006-10-05 18:14:47 M 4444 370
yantzersean 2006-11-06 22:57:50 XL 22 370
SophieAnne-Mieke 2006-11-14 11:28:46 S 22 3725.4
DE got doolhofmiladyslook out2006-06-19 21:17:00 L 1 380
The Safe SideAshley, Aaron, tellyMaze of the week (week 45)2006-11-09 19:43:25 M 55555 3912.6
zapperchristinejump over the fence hah hah hah!2006-11-24 21:06:43 XL 1 390
WMIHJuliette 2006-11-25 17:36:49 M 55555 3912.6
allthatrellyha2006-12-25 06:05:56 M 1 390
fruit4everShannanazzyYou can come in but... can you also come out again...... Have fun!2006-12-25 17:10:38 L 55555 3912.6
DolingApeRobin 2006-03-30 18:38:40 XS 4444 40410
limaankim 2006-10-21 12:39:02 XL 1 400
wftryan 2006-12-09 21:40:37 L 55555 4012.5
LiSsAaALisa 2006-09-24 17:15:02 XL 4444 410
leuk heflippo 2006-11-25 18:00:30 XL 4444 4124.9
dick3Dick 2006-03-13 14:16:05 M 55555 4212.4
Dick4Dick 2006-03-17 21:33:14 L 22 4212.4
BubblesLy 2006-11-15 05:22:10 M 4444 420
ShoobidoomazeshoobidooI'm really cool. And I love this maze... You should tooooooooo:)2006-11-27 03:59:12 M 22 4212.4
Help the Lion Find AndroclesMichael WhittenMaze of the week (week 49)2006-12-06 09:40:20 S 333 4212.4
piet pukmarc 2006-03-18 15:29:26 XL 22 4324.7
fun08888tim 2006-08-13 02:08:48 XS 1 4349.3
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