User made mazes table 2010

Below you can find all mazes made by visitors in a table.

Everyone can rate mazes by giving stars. You can do that two times: once during the maze and once after finishing the maze. The vote at the end of the maze counts for 4. So you have 5 votes in total. (You can't rate a maze you've made yourself).
You can choose one star (poor) up to 5 stars (excellent). You can find the average rating in this table.
You can also see the number of unique visitors who started the maze (column 'Starts') and the number of them who finished it (column 'Finished').
In the last column the successful finishes are represented by a percentage of the number of starts. This gives an indication of the difficulty of the maze. The lower the percentage, the more difficult the maze.

Look here for the table of official mazes.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Pages: 1 2 3 4
Name maze
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EYE MazeDJKITTEN=)2010-08-26 09:54:42 L 333 340
kalvenhaarkalvenhaar 2010-08-31 17:34:08 XL 1 320
EnlightmentJoeyThe sun is the key.2010-09-08 02:18:22 XL 1 2813.6
LeadershipChristine 2010-09-14 03:57:42 M 1 280
maxi mazeremmieremkofirst attempt2010-09-21 00:48:24 XL 4444 3512.9
versluisdennisMaze of the week (week 38)2010-09-24 15:22:06 S 55555 8822.3
knnddd 2010-09-25 15:28:30 XL 1 4948.2
knn00ddd00 2010-09-25 15:30:51 XS 4444 3812.6
hortaisabelsuerte2010-09-25 22:37:11 M 4444 410
The ConfusionSabrinaYou can try...that is................if you dare........2010-10-05 06:15:07 XL 4444 290
doolhofiealbertforyou2010-10-07 15:01:20 XL 1 370
gglennardno englich2010-10-07 15:08:37 XS 22 4324.7
hjhjno englich2010-10-07 15:11:20 M 1 3525.7
demo2lennard 2010-10-08 10:09:04 M 333 3213.1
robocoprob 2010-10-10 14:16:23 M 333 340
Nike imperfectNicholasHa Ha Ha2010-10-16 03:42:44 M 333 230
freakynscreamsandraha ha ha have a freaky time 2010-10-16 04:22:42 XL 1 320
rebecca maze of pooprebeccait rocks2010-10-18 01:05:35 L 1 220
superdoolhofroos 2010-10-19 14:40:48 M 4444 3026.7
hoeraroos 2010-10-19 14:58:40 M 4444 3638.3
o neerooso no this is very bat2010-10-19 15:08:23 M 22 350
clovercloverlang en niet saai!!2010-10-20 15:17:55 M 55555 3412.9
toedeloeroos 2010-10-20 21:44:40 M 4444 3226.3
ooooohroos 2010-10-20 21:50:14 XS 333 3725.4
Chemie...MagieKelly 2010-10-22 22:11:18 M 1 320
DoliholiDennisMaze of the week (week 42)2010-10-23 18:37:29 S 55555 840
Girl Scouts Camp OutJocelyne Gome 2010-10-25 05:27:26 XS 1 2913.4
JuniperBarryIt's a big bastard!2010-10-26 23:21:51 XS 333 3712.7
yorick2yorickMaze of the week (week 43)2010-10-29 19:51:21 S 4444 910
funny or scary mazemaxim 2010-10-31 03:34:03 M 1 340
steef1steef 2010-10-31 15:47:52 M 4444 3912.6
sukkelroos 2010-11-05 13:57:33 M 22 350
A Maze Of Pure AwesomenessLaurenThis maze is a fun and wonderful maze. It might be a little dificult, but still as always it is fun!2010-11-06 21:26:10 M 22 240
JJJeremy JacobsonMaze of the week (week 45)
"First Maze and im sleepy"
2010-11-10 01:48:58 M 55555 660
wergwetg 2010-11-10 02:15:00 M 22 340
Verplichte veldenluca 2010-11-10 18:10:44 M 1 2414.2
krakosamMaze of the week (week 46)2010-11-14 14:45:12 L 55555 680
simpelsam 2010-11-14 14:57:29 XS 22 3425.9
steadyazure 2010-11-17 14:20:08 S 4444 360
kinglala 2010-11-17 16:06:22 L 4444 370
moehahaine 2010-11-23 10:15:40 M 4444 330
sant clause mazekk 2010-11-25 00:36:55 M 22 2913.4
Manger mazeJacocome on just about there2010-11-26 03:46:02 L 1 390
spookdfAllysaIts verry easy2010-11-27 18:34:02 XL 1 450
Mission mazeHannahVer weird but its my first attempt2010-11-28 20:23:36 M 22 280
glibber wegjana de starckeiam grazy2010-12-01 15:10:23 L 333 370
dolodololofde kakkersMaze of the week (week 48)
2010-12-02 11:19:45 L 55555 1040
probeerbrambest2010-12-02 19:14:17 L 22 360
zoekertjejana de staerckelets go 2010-12-03 19:50:51 M 4444 360
kiekevelekejanamake a wish2010-12-03 19:54:56 M 22 410
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