Overzicht doolhoven gemaakt door gebruikers 2006

Hieronder staat een overzicht van alle doolhoven die zijn gemaakt door bezoekers.

Iedere bezoeker mag elk doolhof beoordelen door sterren toe te kennen. Daar is twee keer gelegenheid toe, tijdens het doolhof en aan het eind van het doolhof. Daarbij telt een stem aan het eind van het doolhof 4 keer zo zwaar. In totaal kan ieder per doolhof dus 5 stemmen uitbrengen. (Je kunt niet stemmen voor een doolhof dat je zelf hebt gemaakt).
De waardering varieert van 1 ster (matig) tot 5 sterren (uitmuntend). De gemiddelde waardering is in dit overzicht te zien.
Ook staat er hoe vaak een unieke bezoeker in een doolhof is gestart (kolom 'Starts') en hoeveel daarvan het einde hebben bereikt (kolom 'Gefinisht').
In de laatste kolom is het aantal finishers weergegeven als percentage van het aantal starters. Dit geeft een indruk van de moeilijkheid, hoe lager het percentage, hoe moeilijker het doolhof.

Kijk hier voor een overzicht van de officiële doolhoven.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Pagina's: 1 2 3 4
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PremiereFlorisHet allereerste niet-officiele doolhof :)09-03-2006 15:46:19 S 4444 11476.1
VerdwaalpadMarleenveel succes om bij dit doolhof het einde te vinden09-03-2006 19:49:51 M 4444 5323.8
Dick2DickDeze is erg moeilijk dus voor de doorzetter.11-03-2006 22:26:41 XL 4444 6511.5
dick3DickErg veel circels13-03-2006 14:16:05 M 55555 4212.4
haksplattessahihihi let op hahahaha13-03-2006 16:53:17 M 55555 5511.8
ProjectHanneke, Laura, Annelot eHahaha zelf gemaakt15-03-2006 19:05:53 XS 22 581017.2
Project2Hanneke, Laura, Annelot eProbeer HIER maaar eens uit te komen!!15-03-2006 19:10:18 XL 4444 6211.6
Project3Hanneke, Laura, Annelot eHAHA PROBEER HET MAAR15-03-2006 19:19:59 S 4444 5259.6
Dick4DickHij lijkt heel simpel.17-03-2006 21:33:14 L 22 4212.4
piet pukmarc 18-03-2006 15:29:26 XL 22 4324.7
wervelwindRuth 23-03-2006 23:48:03 M 333 450
Laura en groepjeHanneke, Laura, Annelot en ChimoZo, hier is ie dan...27-03-2006 18:33:22 M 22 3213.1
Steeler FlakesJarrodDoolhof van de week (week 13)28-03-2006 02:42:20 S 4444 11521.7
FudgeAlice 30-03-2006 02:28:37 M 22 450
yobob 30-03-2006 03:56:47 M 1 440
Project DoolhovenHanneke, Annelot, Laura en ChimoVoor project he??30-03-2006 09:37:49 XS 22 3213.1
DolingApeRobin 30-03-2006 18:38:40 XS 4444 40410
lalaladaniel en jordyhoi04-04-2006 14:59:13 XL 1 460
leuk doolhofladonyleuk en makelijk06-04-2006 17:41:28 XL 4444 34720.6
Emergency Exitalonzo randolph "They're on to us, here, let's take the Emergency Exit. It leads to the Ammerial Air Force Base. You, Lead us to the exit, I kinda forgot."07-04-2006 15:06:42 XL 333 3313
Greenvillealonzo randolph IF YOU'VE BEATEN "EMERGENCY EXIT", HERE'S LV. 2 "Phew, that was close. You almost got us killed back there! Never mind that, we need to move fast." "How about through Greenville. It's sorta like a mirror." "PERFECT." Let's go07-04-2006 15:48:32 L 4444 610
Happa Heightsalonzo randolphIF YOU'VE BEATEN GREENVILLE, HERE'S LV. 3 "Greenville, harsh, but wait 'til we get to headquarters, we'll really be in trouble. We need to find the Air Force. AND NOW!"07-04-2006 16:06:12 S 333 2913.4
Carnivationtownalonzo randolphI will tell you what this is about. The characters first. The first voice in the first maze I created is Shamano. In the second maze, the second voice you hear is Pippimatus. There are three more characters to meet, Ana, Terr, and King Tezzc. The first two people are the main heroes of these mazes (and you, since you'ved solved them). The heroes need to get to the base of King Tuzzc and Shamano. But Ana and Terr are getting in the way. The tittle is (I forgot to put one in this story)King Tuzzc Castle Hassle. And finally, in this level (lv. 4) the men are too puzzled to speak, but reconized their mission. Sorry about taking up all of this room for one comment. 07-04-2006 16:33:50 XL 55555 6623
Air Skivealonzo randolphIF YOU 'VE BEATEN CARNIVATIONTOWN, HERE'S LV. 5 Shamano: No time for talking. Let's go."07-04-2006 16:54:26 M 4444 270
Metropolitic Tuzzcityalonzo randolphIF YOU'VE BEATEN AIR SKIVE, HERE'S LV. 6 Shamano: THE AIR, WHO PUTS SOMETHING LIKE THAT IN THE AIR! Pippimatus: Calm down Shamano, we're in the city. Which means-(scream) Shamano: What the- Ana: Hi, boys. Shamano & Pippimatus: ANA! Ana: That's right. I'm suprised. You're in action, I'm in action.... Pippimatus: (whispering) how'd you think she got here. Shamano: Who knows, maybe she.... Ana: Well, I know you need to see King Tuzzc, and since you weren't listening, I won't let you! By the way, meet my new friend, Terr. Hmmph! Shamano: Houston, we have..a problem. Pippimatus: You said it!07-04-2006 17:14:06 L 1 4412.3
Air Force Base Dashalonzo randolphIF YOU'VE BEATEN METROPOLITIC TUZZCITY, HERE'S LV. 707-04-2006 17:37:10 XL 55555 280
JiMjAmAmelia LeighhAvE fUn MaRy09-04-2006 22:37:58 S 22 540
Tuzzc Islandsalonzo randolphIF YOU'VE BEATEN AIR FORCE BASE DASH, HERE'S LV. 8. (In a black jet) Shamano: What happened back there. (Things are causing a wave) I should have thought of this at first, Pippimatus, what d'you think's happ- Ana: Like my creation. I call it waving goodbye. Shamano: Good 'cause, GOODBYYYYYYYYYYYYE(he turned on nitro). Ana:(she turned on nitro too)WAIT FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Both of them: Why can't you just give up-oof!(they ran into fat trees)We're in Tuzzc Island 1. Ana: See ya.09-04-2006 22:48:40 XL 55555 680
super de luxe doolhoflisa meulendijksveel susces!!19-04-2006 15:23:51 XL 333 290
fsgfzxggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr04-05-2006 10:32:41 M 1 3512.9
Mission Impossible MazeCyndlThis is almost an impossible maze! Can you get through it in one piece?! Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!!
Enter/click this link below to hear really awesome music from the Mission Impossible movies while you try to escape the maze! www.worldvillage.com/wv/midi/mission.mid
05-05-2006 00:42:07 L 333 500
James Bond Action MazeCyndlI bet James Bond could master this maze, but can you?! To listen to cool music while you attempt to escape this maze, click on/enter the address below in your address bar. www.midishack.net/thememid/bond.mid 06-05-2006 16:26:23 L 4444 5311.9
The Blue Devil DisputeCyndlDuke Blue Devils have mastered this maze. Their Blue Devil instincts lead them right through. Who would like to give it a try? Do you have what it takes to be a Duke Blue Devil? Click on the link below to be accompanied by some really cool music while on your journey. http://www.elite.net/~gurpal/tv/ppanther.mid07-05-2006 20:42:47 XL 333 470
Happy Mothers DaySara 08-05-2006 22:31:58 M 4444 340
WimpyHawkManmatthahahahahaha you cant do it10-05-2006 04:14:16 M 1 330
mazfusionDoolhof van de week (week 19)11-05-2006 13:44:06 M 4444 6123.3
knightescape labyrinthstanDoolhof van de week (week 20)
"it is not what it seems"
15-05-2006 22:05:24 S 4444 11321.8
labyrinth oneknightescapewill the labyrinth to 2e the labyrinth going!16-05-2006 17:04:08 S 55555 3013.3
labyrinth twoknightescapego by these labyrinth and win!16-05-2006 17:17:08 M 333 330
knightescape labyrinth oneKnightescapeif you win this you go to level two16-05-2006 19:30:49 S 55555 1815.6
knightescape labyrinth twoKnightescapeif you win this, you win all the labyrinth !!!16-05-2006 19:40:32 M 55555 260
loverbgirlsletitciagaat het lueken menssen hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!26-05-2006 15:14:12 XL 1 370
Super doolhof is de allermakkeleksteDe Bijtjes 27-05-2006 18:24:05 M 1 8289.8
coolcoolDoolhof van de week (week 22)
"richting noord en oost, dan kom je er wel uit. Want het is heel makkelijk!"
27-05-2006 18:29:13 XS 22 9366.5
Creppy MazeJennifer Balfourthis maze is creepy31-05-2006 21:21:42 XL 22 570
zoek de uitgangjohannaVind de uitgang bij de rode pijl!!!09-06-2006 09:23:52 M 22 201136.5
Wade WaterDinoDoolhof van de week (week 24)11-06-2006 11:41:21 M 333 10321.9
internal circleDinodit is een hele kleine doolhof11-06-2006 11:47:46 XS 4444 24416.7
de ZuchtDino 11-06-2006 11:50:22 M 333 310
yrtrty 11-06-2006 11:51:48 M 333 5036
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