User made mazes table 2015

Below you can find all mazes made by visitors in a table.

Everyone can rate mazes by giving stars. You can do that two times: once during the maze and once after finishing the maze. The vote at the end of the maze counts for 4. So you have 5 votes in total. (You can't rate a maze you've made yourself).
You can choose one star (poor) up to 5 stars (excellent). You can find the average rating in this table.
You can also see the number of unique visitors who started the maze (column 'Starts') and the number of them who finished it (column 'Finished').
In the last column the successful finishes are represented by a percentage of the number of starts. This gives an indication of the difficulty of the maze. The lower the percentage, the more difficult the maze.

Look here for the table of official mazes.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Name maze
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HamstertjeSven 2015-04-10 19:08:04 M 22 190
winkiehelp 2015-04-23 10:31:13 M 22 270
MyaMyafhfh2015-04-30 03:45:19 M 22 280
universumnbsuces2015-05-14 16:54:03 XL 22 190
my aMAZEing mazeemmaHope it's fun!2015-05-19 04:59:48 M 22 120
Houwenjohanna 2015-05-23 13:00:13 L 22 180
47jw 2015-05-27 06:45:40 M 22 330
waar is rembrandtlian 2015-06-09 10:41:34 M 22 120
kerkdoolie1bem 2015-06-10 22:15:31 L 22 2114.8
speciallouis 2015-06-18 17:23:12 M 22 200
lullenlucsg 2015-06-19 11:42:34 XL 22 310
kontgijs 2015-06-24 11:36:31 M 22 230
BlairKlaudia BellucciWelcome2015-07-27 17:30:24 M 22 210
tokbela 2015-09-11 20:55:14 XL 22 120
benniebenjamin 2015-09-28 12:43:54 XL 22 160
Sci Fair TestShawn 2015-10-01 17:35:52 XL 22 80
onijndigjulian 2015-10-06 11:33:17 M 22 110
Nine WaysPatrick & Garrick 2015-10-14 01:50:45 L 22 90
de lastigstehaop 2015-10-14 11:44:16 M 22 90
Archimedesbrent 2015-10-14 14:45:56 M 22 150
hoi2018hoi 2015-10-20 11:29:32 M 22 160
de idoolpofdounia 2015-11-11 17:11:19 M 22 80
doolhof der duisternispietje 2015-11-15 16:50:12 M 22 100
groepskrantalexia en tom 2015-11-19 10:21:56 L 22 110
nouknouk 2015-11-27 18:16:36 M 22 110
okeeMilou 2015-12-05 10:47:06 L 22 100
Zoetjezoe 2015-12-05 21:13:12 M 22 120
star warsjana 2015-12-07 17:18:05 M 22 100
max en cosmo doolhofaustinno2015-12-10 19:50:36 M 22 90
GhhvgGhggg 2015-12-17 14:17:18 M 22 110
PhotosynthesisBryanna 2015-12-30 18:47:24 M 22 120
Treaty for Trucexeyla 2015-01-09 23:57:56 M 333 1317.7
Brede en smalle wegrachel 2015-01-13 17:13:50 M 333 170
Paas DoolhofAlice 2015-01-14 13:08:59 M 333 240
klndnfln 2015-01-28 02:25:28 XS 333 2328.7
yolooyyoolloo 2015-01-28 12:13:27 XL 333 2713.7
onmogelijk 14RickDeficolt2015-02-01 13:07:28 L 333 140
de wir warjoel de haanits very hard2015-02-08 14:39:24 L 333 180
French libraryHeleneTest run2015-02-19 21:06:36 S 333 120
RunnerElizabethYOU CANT ESCAPE2015-03-03 18:43:35 L 333 230
perspectivecarrie 2015-03-03 19:17:48 XS 333 25520
happy labyrinthrhannaget the output.2015-03-05 17:01:43 L 333 150
de rozenstruiknoranothing to mess up my game2015-03-11 18:57:31 M 333 100
PompeiiTebah 2015-03-12 21:11:27 S 333 210
Hogans MazecatonGo Hogie!!2015-03-14 00:14:08 M 333 170
tyykejo 2015-03-15 17:47:17 M 333 3113.2
madmaxthe long way2015-03-17 18:47:21 XL 333 290
doepaginaselina 2015-03-27 08:52:23 M 333 200
het meervoudJanPlural: firefighter in Dutch2015-04-01 10:01:01 M 333 180
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5

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