User made mazes table 2009

Below you can find all mazes made by visitors in a table.

Everyone can rate mazes by giving stars. You can do that two times: once during the maze and once after finishing the maze. The vote at the end of the maze counts for 4. So you have 5 votes in total. (You can't rate a maze you've made yourself).
You can choose one star (poor) up to 5 stars (excellent). You can find the average rating in this table.
You can also see the number of unique visitors who started the maze (column 'Starts') and the number of them who finished it (column 'Finished').
In the last column the successful finishes are represented by a percentage of the number of starts. This gives an indication of the difficulty of the maze. The lower the percentage, the more difficult the maze.

Look here for the table of official mazes.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Pages: 1 2 3 4
Name maze
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watyorick 2009-06-08 17:13:29 M 1 3139.7
zomerann 2009-06-19 16:05:24 M 55555 360
deborahdeborah 2009-06-25 11:52:14 M 333 340
testjesMazeman 2009-07-15 15:29:25 M 333 4112.4
The Underwater FantasyMcKennaIf you cannot find your way, stay to the left of the maze until you reach the bottom.2009-07-24 23:54:52 M 333 310
Phyres LabrynthBecca 2009-07-25 06:51:57 M 55555 290
The awesome mazeTylerPLZ Enjoy2009-08-05 03:59:06 M 1 310
JeanbahJean-BaptisteMaze of the week (week 32)
"This is my first one .."
2009-08-06 15:41:24 M 55555 830
DarkholeWidmMaze of the week (week 35)2009-08-23 09:41:49 M 333 9811
klvn 2009-09-03 11:28:13 M 333 3738.1
ashleeyashleyMaze of the week (week 37)2009-09-08 12:28:21 M 4444 790
MazerTylerThis maze is hard2009-09-10 23:18:42 M 1 320
TesttGabriel Dugand 2009-09-13 18:24:04 M 1 360
Afvaljuf Valerie 2009-09-20 13:22:05 M 22 480
KrunchSmelluyMaze of the week (week 39)2009-09-23 20:58:34 M 333 9711
zoekzoekfemke 2009-09-26 14:35:19 M 4444 430
odfjsjifjadsbobdsfsaa2009-10-03 04:51:16 M 22 290
scarymazegamematthew cooley 2009-10-06 01:18:28 M 333 3812.6
HomeworkEmilyIt loops back onto itself...try not to get lost.2009-10-06 12:05:46 M 4444 290
qwertyuasdertwry2009-10-06 13:51:09 M 333 300
the coole doolhofjulian 2009-10-06 19:03:05 M 333 260
HellraiserHellraiser 2009-10-11 20:07:21 M 22 330
wheres the cerealLivvi 2009-10-12 13:12:51 M 22 300
Get To D-E-S-I FUSIONMarin and FarjahanHurry, the food's getting cold!!!2009-10-12 22:58:12 M 333 240
PannenkoekendoolhofTine 2009-10-13 20:27:59 M 1 220
matdeb 2009-10-16 01:49:28 M 4444 340
dodoivy 2009-10-22 13:22:38 M 1 350
het hol van de draakbranco 2009-10-29 11:25:39 M 333 310
BetchaNicole 2009-10-30 03:12:10 M 333 320
kunstgurd 2009-11-05 14:27:59 M 4444 380
DConnor DoolhofConnorzzNow it is harder2009-11-06 20:58:56 M 333 230
zuperelzie 2009-11-23 09:09:45 M 333 340
zuperrrrrrmaudi 2009-11-23 09:21:22 M 1 38410.5
megapuck 2009-12-22 20:47:01 M 1 360
Titters mazeTylerSnake follower in the beginning, bu then no followup shake smack path2009-12-26 03:15:44 M 22 240
da Idiot mazedominiqueyou are trapped in a maze 2009-01-09 18:41:12 S 22 640
Voor HasanFlorisFor Hasan from the Dutch guestbook.2009-01-10 15:17:17 S 4444 6411.6
jonagab 2009-01-17 21:44:57 S 333 350
doolhof cooldirkje en sanderbla bla bla 2009-03-17 15:15:05 S 4444 270
QIzenyattaMaze of the week (week 12)
"Just a simple and easy maze"
2009-03-20 14:38:55 S 4444 7534
Piratespirate 2009-04-15 15:38:39 S 22 380
wildcat mazefabio gonzalezFabio Rocks2009-05-08 14:57:26 S 1 360
heyorick 2009-06-08 17:11:46 S 22 3512.9
Easy Level FivePlayerMaze of the week (week 25)2009-06-16 02:42:04 S 333 12732.4
Easy Level OnePlayer 2009-06-16 02:47:20 S 55555 2114.8
sprdoolhofjolien 2009-07-02 21:29:20 S 333 3412.9
mindrape landasdfMaze of the week (week 30)
2009-07-19 04:48:09 S 4444 830
Mini MazeThomasMaze of the week (week 31)
"My very first maze :)"
2009-07-30 15:32:16 S 55555 19384.1
VlugEmma 2009-08-24 14:59:35 S 1 3113.2
Rat0doolhof01JesperMaze of the week (week 40)
"This is for a ending project of my school about rats. The "correct" roads will be painted dark blue and the "incorrect" roads will become light blue."
2009-10-01 13:51:50 S 4444 16931.8
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