User made mazes table 2006

Below you can find all mazes made by visitors in a table.

Everyone can rate mazes by giving stars. You can do that two times: once during the maze and once after finishing the maze. The vote at the end of the maze counts for 4. So you have 5 votes in total. (You can't rate a maze you've made yourself).
You can choose one star (poor) up to 5 stars (excellent). You can find the average rating in this table.
You can also see the number of unique visitors who started the maze (column 'Starts') and the number of them who finished it (column 'Finished').
In the last column the successful finishes are represented by a percentage of the number of starts. This gives an indication of the difficulty of the maze. The lower the percentage, the more difficult the maze.

Look here for the table of official mazes.

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Pages: 1 2 3 4
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richting van de zonElineMaze of the week (week 25)
"if you need to make choices follow the sun"
2006-06-16 13:42:53 L 22 10011
met het oog op de zonElineeasy, or not2006-06-16 15:01:41 S 333 2414.2
DE got doolhofmiladyslook out2006-06-19 21:17:00 L 1 380
jajaEricMaze of the week (week 27)
"Enjoy playing!"
2006-07-03 18:08:46 M 4444 16942.4
janoukjanoukMaze of the week (week 30)
"easy right ;) "
2006-07-24 13:20:44 M 333 13785.8
the mazecho 2006-07-25 20:05:19 S 4444 5611.8
ESCAPEjoe 2006-07-29 08:33:16 M 4444 5012
doolhofyoriMaze of the week (week 31)2006-08-05 14:02:59 S 333 211178.1
duhjordanMaze of the week (week 32)
"not really what i'd call easy but it's doable"
2006-08-09 20:36:29 M 333 10211
jessytjejessicaits easy 2006-08-11 12:29:23 XS 4444 3512.9
my maze 2006emily 2006-08-12 07:43:50 S 22 2926.9
crazy0888krystaalmost there2006-08-13 02:03:54 L 1 330
fun08888tim 2006-08-13 02:08:48 XS 1 4349.3
wizzy1simonMaze of the week (week 33)2006-08-17 18:29:42 S 4444 6511.5
makkelijkkevinway 2 easy2006-08-30 21:52:18 S 22 49510.2
USAMVA TRIBUTE LABRYNITH TO THE GREAT U S OF A!!!2006-09-03 05:06:49 XL 4444 440
TINY WONDERMVITS A TINY WONDER AFTER ALL!!!2006-09-03 05:14:09 S 4444 2214.5
MIDDLE MANMV 2006-09-03 05:19:13 M 22 3113.2
dollieAssie 2006-09-03 11:47:46 XL 333 480
labirinthteunMaze of the week (week 36)2006-09-03 17:15:17 L 55555 25410.4
HYRULELinkSMILEY!2006-09-07 02:38:52 M 4444 370
ik k om er niet uitliekegrazy2006-09-07 19:40:29 XL 22 120
ezlifeless 2006-09-12 15:10:45 M 1 520
tomteunMaze of the week (week 37)2006-09-14 08:53:43 XS 22 5159.8
lopeneterteun 2006-09-14 09:03:18 L 1 330
eerstekeerlisa meulendijksMaze of the week (week 38)2006-09-17 16:40:06 S 333 10710.9
HardJohn 2006-09-21 02:06:50 M 4444 300
timpanogos cavekalin hamiltonhelp the kids to the heart of timpanogos cave!!! 2006-09-21 23:15:51 M 55555 1317.7
htifdg;nggluke steel 2006-09-23 17:07:27 XL 1 18211.1
LiSsAaALisa 2006-09-24 17:15:02 XL 4444 410
Ruben 123Rubenyes its good2006-09-28 20:36:23 M 22 290
polar bearsshane 2006-09-29 04:47:07 M 22 240
dooltje het hofsammekkeMaze of the week (week 40)2006-10-01 09:52:38 M 4444 6623
the_maxe_9411Max 2006-10-01 14:04:53 XL 1 270
doolll1Nelly 2006-10-03 00:33:08 XS 1 290
veertjevera 2006-10-03 18:17:37 M 333 350
jeeeeeeeeas 2006-10-05 18:14:47 M 4444 370
dollyAnne 2006-10-11 16:43:02 M 22 340
Muizerig doolhofmiekeDifficult, Easy, Ehm...2006-10-12 20:03:12 XL 4444 230
Muizerig doolhof XSmiekeXS2006-10-12 20:12:44 XS 4444 1119.1
RomyyyRomyMaze of the week (week 42)2006-10-16 23:18:22 S 55555 6134.9
limaankim 2006-10-21 12:39:02 XL 1 400
Dah DingesDanLdeL58Something stupid...2006-10-22 15:31:34 XS 333 1815.6
Dolende BartBartA advanced maze.2006-10-22 15:38:49 M 4444 2114.8
experience mazeRoel 2006-10-23 11:49:04 M 22 2713.7
Tash3TashHEHEHE2006-10-23 14:26:04 L 55555 290
angelesesyou won't manage2006-10-23 22:36:06 XL 55555 450
Als je niet durftIstvannnnnnnnnc'mon man!2006-11-01 14:50:24 S 1 19315.8
chinese samari chalengejoshua 2006-11-05 10:59:33 M 4444 360
yantzersean 2006-11-06 22:57:50 XL 22 370
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